Tuesday, August 14, 2007

An incomplete story


Its incomplete.

Dont know if I will be finishing it.

Quite a few errors.


After the world ends there comes a moment, a moment of silence and
long uncertainty, before the cycle of rebirth turns the wheel again.
The remnants of the past wander in indiscernible mist of aimless
being. Everything unorganized and without a purpose. Memories, torn
apart; Souls, torn apart. Only the elements move in a desperate
search and hope to meet accidentally what it longs the most. The
cosmic dust constantly moving, brushing against each other, along
showing signs of recognition, an acknowledgement, or merely
exchanging the passing of the moment - ofcourse nothing defines it,
they just say anything. The state of confusion and breaking hope
seems eternal. But chance favor the lost souls whose love have
outlived their lives and many a lifetimes. Their union was
inevitable. This was to happen .

They, who were destined to %%%%
even before they met for the first time on the rocky beaches of
kanyakumari. The moonlight trying hard to rip the water off the
earth's surface just to quench its eternal thirst. The spectacle
unchanging and constantly inspiring. His eyes fell on her, not met
yet to be suspended in emptiness - with either of them oblivious
of the raging time and complaining space, rather examining in a casual
sort of way, unintrusive yet thorough. He read the calm and the
silence in her eyes, which could hold the moments from passing by,
only to forget it for couple of days to come.

%ABC was his name. He was tall and reasonably built guy. A guy who
thought more of life than living. He liked going to the shores at
the twilight and see the waves slashing the waters . He liked the
constant determination which the slashing waves showed , ever
challenging and relentless, retreating only with a strong will to
hit the shore once again. He would sometimes look at the moon too
with pity at its beauty, sheer beauty. A rarity which people in
today's fast paced lives cannot stop by to see and think. He would
get confused sometimes if its the moon or the people he has to feel
pity for ? He could never come to an answer and wouldn't even think
much, instead look at the waves again to break the line of thought. He
even liked to think about the deepest questions, the sort everybody
likes to talk about with enthusiasm but no thought. They didn't make
much sense to him much, but liked the idea of thinking about them
and stuck with it, until she came as an answer to him. He thought
good about nature, more than the variety which it exhibited its the
grace with which they were executed he loved.

And then he thought of her, not dream though. Thought allowed
liberty and more importantly control. He could imagine with
infinite possibilities with what she could be, what he wanted her
to be. Dreams don't let you do that. You are fed by them,
subconsciously. He never liked dreaming much, for he couldn't change
what would happen in them.

She was 21 and liked drinking tea. For her life was matter of taste
rather than intention. Even she liked to gaze at the twilight
sea, unbounded and lively. Resting beside the wooden log, rough and
old with age, she would look at the receding light and the slow
unveiling of sky from it. The stars appearing over the sea. She
liked to see the whole act, atleast she thought that she does.
Nothing much, just the unveiling of raw beauty and it being thrown to
savages. Is beauty still beautiful without somebody to acknowledge it ?
She had the question spring in her mind, but she never wanted to
look into it , it didn't make sense to her much either. She was unaware
that his eyes were to fall on a raw beauty later; her. Until then
she would just look at the sea and feel happy. Happiness in its
most elemental form, not contrived and not passing through the
complex series reason and balancing. She had somehow learned with
time to bypass that stage, the processing and then the delivery.
This prevented her from thinking, and for in such things she preferred
absoluteness with no intervention of the mind. No wonder she liked
drinking tea and she was 21.

In these times life is too demanding, asking for what otherwise would
be called as \% . People trying hard , in never ending effort to
hold fast to it, only to find themselves in groping about
uncertainty and more oft than not to something not what they wanted
to. Its like catching the wrong train and after a while realizing so. Even this can be taken as with a tinge of surrealism, its only
when objective reality ratifies desertion of your dreams do people
come to senses. This is where the age old act of rationalization, not rationale, comes in; a defeated justification of an end act. He
has seen people doing this. People negotiating, rather begging to
their other mind for venturing into such far of lands; lands which
are distorted, lands which cant be called homes.

She was a Final year student and had taken arts in painting and
sculpture ,out of choice and not


Random notes to myself ----------

In the story give the guys character building a kinda upslope .
His increasing awareness, conflicts and understanding reflected in
metaphorical examples. Changing philosophies, the depth of thought, attitude ,rejection towards people, idea of love etc .

The introduction of the girl in his life, give them some
premonition over the idea of the other before they actually speak.
Just look and imagine and the resulting impact on their thinking of
life, eachother and other people . .

Make allusions towards love, which they will fall into later, but
before that a lot goes on in their minds; the fear, a kind of
rejection suddenly springing in. And then the courage which builds
slowly and the feeling of absoluteness. They they fall in love
completely, everything takes a new meaning. Verbal discussion of
it has to be intense ( Think !!!! ) .

Bring in poetry thru analogy. Initially it would be unaffection,
and then slowly a state of confusion and then a moment of certainty
and confusion ( vacillating ) and finally absoluteness.

Try to convey love between the two, which is devoid of any
condition and yet is absolute, no worldly qualities are to be given
to the characters which will eventually give room to the characters
having a kinda doubt over each other.

He wanted to fall once and only once in love. Love so deep and intense that only sorrow and ineffable sense of life be left when ripped off it. The eternal trance of love, now left only to endure the reality around him. A tiny sparkle consumed by your inner self only to be shredded by the world outside. He knew that its not just some wonderful feeling to cherish for ur rest of your life , it was ......

They imagined and lived a life, intact of outside world the system the rules and contrived conventionality, of freedom ...............

The few earnest readers of this story and fewer still Romanticists.

Expression is what he had lost when he spoke to her for the first time Every passing moment making her presence feel stronger and stronger After sometime he was so overpowered with her presence that he couldnt hear anything she said; his mind went blank. Words coming out of his mouth made no sense, he was not aware of it though. Words devoid of content and meaning, yet spoken with a hope and......

At times you accidentally wake up early in the morning and discover that the sun is about to rise. Its a very mysterious feeling, when u look at it and think nothing rather just see at the grandness of it against ur feeblness. Its beautiful, and u know it. The ending of the dark night, the breaking of the first ray of light travelling through emptiness with unimaginable eagerness and speed.

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